Race Details
SWIM: 800m in a 6 lane 25m pool So we plan 3 heats with 4 to a lane each heat independent and seeded.
CYCLE: A short new section of about a mile each way connects to the middle of the traditional route making it about 28 miles in total. Most is on minor hilly roads with 2 major climbs and some lesser ones totalling about 3000ft of climb. There are a number of cattle grids, the worst are crossed by boards. Gradients are up to 1 in 6 so you will need appropriate gearing. Standard road bikes are fine but delicate wheels are best avoided.
RUN: This will be about 7 miles with approx 600 ft of climb There are about 2 miles on tarmac the rest on a canal tow path and mountain tracks. The climb starts at about 3 miles and is mostly gradual and runnable. The descent back through Pontypool park is quite steep.
FINISH: Showers are available and we have booked a room with a bar where food will be provided and the prize giving will take place.
GENERAL:If any of the entrants can offer a friend or relative to help marshal, there is a free meal and t-shirt in it for them! Specify helper available on the entry sheet. Duties will be largely around the finish and Pontypool area.
ENTRIES: Please be honest about your expected times so we can seed the swim and get the slower athletes off in the first heat. Non BTA/WTA members are required to buy a day licence (covered by the higher entry fee) which provides insurance cover during the race.
Accommodation: Contact Abergavenny Tourist Information, Swan Meadow, Cross St, Abergavenny, Gwent NP07 5HH. Tel: 01873 857588